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Friday, December 02, 2005

Class Reunion...

Back in October, I went to my twentith high school class reunion and you know what, it was pretty good. I really had a much better time than I thought I would. I thought breeze in, talk to a couple of people, be a wallflower, much like I thought I was in high school and that would be that, but it wasn't.

People I thought never even noticed me in high school came up and gave me hugs and asked about my life. People I never noticed in high school did the samething. It's was surreal, I think that's the correct word. I got asked questions, like, "Do you still work with computers" (Yes). "Did you ever become a cop?" (No). "Do you still write?" (Yes, but the not the same stuff I wrote in high school).

Anyway, I was just thinking about it today and thought I'd mention it. If you graduated from either Waukegan East or Waukegan West 1985 and missed the reunion -- you missed a really great time.

And, if you thought no one noticed you in high school -- you might be pleasantly surprised.

God Bless


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