Off the Top Of My Head

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005


So, I'm a little confused. You see, some of the people who support the right to carry a concealed weapon claim that it is because their rights are being infinged upon if they cannot carry a concealed weapon.

But, what about my rights? What about my right to walk down the street and feel safe because no one is carrying a concealed weapon -- legally? I mean, more murders are committed in concealed carry states, more crimes against persons are committed in concealed carry states, so if I am living in a concealed carry state, how can I possiblily feel safer?

Where are my rights to not have to wonder if my next door neighbor -- the one who doesn't like me -- has a gun under his coat?

Don't my rights count?

I guess they don't, because the same people who are angry at the thought that they are losing some right by not being able to pack a pistol are angry at the thought that gays and lesbians will be allowed to marry. Their claim is that somewhere this is infringing on their rights. I'm not sure how, but we'll go with it.

Apparently, (although not in all cases) if you want concealed carry and you support the anti-gay amendment, the only rights about which you care, are your own.

How mighty Christian of you.

God Bless.


Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Fellow Julies are always welcome :)

I've enjoyed reading your various blogs (though I haven't had the chance to really look at the storybook one yet).

It's nice to see that you can hold the same values as someone even though you don't necessarily share the same religion or political affiliation. I like to think that reason and goodness transcends such things.. nice to know I'm right sometimes ;)

1:39 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Julie said...

I think if we could put aside our differences, we'd all discover that we have something in common.

12:50 AM, December 01, 2005  

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