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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Whose Morals?

Yesterday, the public hearing -- the one and only public hearing -- regarding the anti-gay amendment was held in Madison.

According to an article in this morning's Journal Sentinel, Jenny Baierl said, "I'm concerned the state is going to determine what is morally acceptable for my child to be taught in sex education and not allow me to be the ultimate authority."

Excuse me, but who said that allowing gay marriage would take away your ability to determine what is morally acceptable for your children? That isn't even a logical statement. Drinking is legal in this state and it doesn’t stop me from informing my children about the evils of alcohol. So, if you don’t want your children to support gay marriage, then tell them not to and don’t support it yourself. But, don’t take away my ability to live my life with dignity and in a legal matrimonial state because YOU don’t agree with it.

If you don’t like gay marriage, then don’t have one.

Hate-monger Mark Gundrum said the bill was drafted to address only "legal status" and didn't get into specific benefits, as laws and amendments in other states have. The intent was to prevent the state only from creating a new kind of marriage recognized in Wisconsin, Gundrum said.

"If a private hospital wants to have a policy allowing visitation for someone, there's nothing to prohibit that," he said.

Yeah and there is nothing to prohibit them from barring the life partner of someone gay, either.
Such as in the case of “Michael Thomas, a Health and Family Services administrator for Manitowoc County, choked back tears as he talked about his former partner who he said was shot - in front of Thomas - because he was gay; Thomas was kept from him in the hospital.
‘He died alone in a room with me peering through the glass because they wouldn't let me be with him," Thomas said. After 20 years with a new partner, he said, "I don't want the same thing to happen again.’”

So, don’t tell me that an anti-gay amendment somehow protects families and marriages – all it does is harm the gay families that are out there.

Amen, I say to you, if you support this amendment, you are only showing your own fear and hatred of gay people. Period. You aren’t protecting anything, but your own ability to legalize hatred and contempt.

God Bless


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