Off the Top Of My Head

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Monday, October 31, 2005


Have I mentioned how much I love my wife?

So, Cheryl and I are refinancing our second mortgage and we're going to close this Thursday. Well, Primerica is refusing to give us our copies of the credit reports that they ran. Absolutely, refusing.

They're even stating that it is illegal for them to give me my OWN credit report. What kind of BS is that? I have always received a credit report from EVERY loan place I have EVER had a loan through.Now, I'm pretty sure that under the Freedom of Information Act, that isn't true, but I'm not positive.

Cheryl has talked me out of cancelling the loan -- I was even told that it would be fine by the woman denying what I want. Who holds to that kind of standard? Who decides that the customer is not right and it is okay to lose a customer? What a company?!?

Well, let me just say -- For your own sake -- DON'T DO BUSINESS with PRIMERICA. (They're a division of Citigroup/Citicorp.)

I have been telling Cheryl that I've had a bad feeling about this loan since day one, but once she gets something in her head, she doesn't let it go.

God Bless.


What a difference four years makes!

After 9/11, the trick or treaters were loaded with police officers and firemen/women. You couldn't walk anywhere without tripping over a little guy (and some girls) dressed as a cop. It was cute and I believe a real show of just who our heroes should be in this nation.

Well, yesterday was our trick or treat day here is Racine. I saw exactly one fireman and no cops. I did see about a hundred witches, princesses and fairies. Amoung the boys, it was mostly Darth Vader and that stone guy from Fantastic Four. Oh and one little boxer, who was so cute, I had to take a picture of him.

So, I guess we're back to our children dressing up as their cartoon heroes.

Isn't that a shame?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Don't Leak a CIA agent's name -- You'll get burned.

Things are not looking too good for President Bush.

The day after his choice for Supreme Court Justice backs out, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff is indicted. I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby then resigned -- not fired, as Bush had promised -- but allowed to resigned.

Now, according to the news sources I've read, Karl Rove is still under investigation. It is this blogger's opinion that this will be the end of it. I think Mr. Libby has been thrown to the hounds and Rove will never be indicted.

Of course, I, also, thought Harriet Miers would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, so what do I know?

God Bless.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Harriet Miers

Wow! What a difference a week makes!

Harriet Miers has withdrawn from being a Supreme Court Nominee. Hmmm, I'm kind of bummed, because the woman was growing on me.

Yes, I know that I did not support her nomination. I'm not going back on that. I still did not like the idea of someone without any judge experience being nominated for the Supreme Court. However, since I wrote that post, I have received emails from both the right and the left stating that Harriet Miers should not be a Supreme Court justice. Well, if she has both sides this upset, then she's a pretty good choice in my eyes.

Now, this withdrawal of hers bothers me. Does this mean Bush will not go with someone who is extremely right wing? And, what is wrong with finding a judge that knows the consitution and sticks by it? Both sides should be happy with that, shouldn't they?

Except, it all comes down to abortion and gays. Abortions shouldn't be allowed and gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.

But, does the constitution even address either one of these issues?

Now, I happen to be against abortions. I waiver only if it is used to save the mother's life and how often does that really, truly happen?

I am for gay marriages. I think this marriage is only between a man and a woman stuff is just stupid. If someone could come up with a legitimate, non-religion based argument of why gays should not be allowed to marry, I would gladly listen. Until then, gays should be allow to marry, period -- end of discussion.