Off the Top Of My Head

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Thursday, January 19, 2006


So, the other day, Cheryl and I were discussing the ability to save for retirement. With us getting older everyday, (her more than me-- just kidding) we worry about whether or not we'll have enough to see us through from retirement to death.

Anyway, I mentioned that with savings accounts only getting less than 1% interest, how can a person save? Yeah, I know there's mutual funds and the stockmarket, but how much do you really gain there? And, you only -- with few exceptions -- only make money on them when you sell them. What happens if people slowdown their investing? Or, since she's a baby boomer, which I'm not, if everyone is selling their stock close to the sametime in order to retire, won't stocks drop?

And, have you noticed that since interest rates drop and people invest more into the stock market that the gap between the haves and the have nots is getting bigger?

Anyway, when I was mentioning to Cheryl that I wish interest rates would go up, she nearly jumped my throat. It seems that she remembers the 70's and 80's when interest rates were high and a lot of Americans were out of work. "Let's not go back to that," she said. "You don't know what it was like."

Guess not, but I wish I could get a little better rate for my buck.

God Bless.


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